
Alumni News

Architect, Husband, Father - Andrew Geeves

Class of 1998

Andrew is one of eight children, so the Geeves name is well known across the Citipointe campus. At school, Andrew was interested in technical drawing and woodwork but was not clear about what he wanted to do as a career until one of his teachers suggested architecture. After Year 12, he was accepted into the University of Queensland where he completed his Bachelor of Design Studies. His early work involved production drawings and on-site learning. He also worked on projects around health and aged care facilities.

After a year of work, Andrew travelled through South America and Europe and later worked in London for a year and a half. His work involved retail and shopping precincts as well as some work outside London and in Iceland, including town centre planning, commercial projects and being on the construction site. 鈥淚 think one of the things that I really enjoy about being an architect is how you get to be involved in some of the earliest decisions about a project and then you work on it the whole way through until it’s finished and people move in.鈥

He knew he wanted to complete his architecture qualifications which would require two more years of study. After living in London, Andrew decided to move somewhere smaller, which is how he ended up at the University of Tasmania. His first official architecture role was based in Launceston. He enjoyed living in the smaller town but decided to move to Hobart and join a new small architecture firm, Cumulus Studio. They have grown and now have offices in Hobart, Launceston, Melbourne and Adelaide. 鈥淲e get to do a lot of interesting work. I鈥檝e worked on some really interesting projects and recently got to lead some fairly big, high-profile jobs.鈥 Andrew鈥檚 portfolio includes the Devil鈥檚 Corner Winery on the east coast of Tasmania and the Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre which was several years in the making.

Andrew recalls how the values of his schooling years translate to his career: 鈥淎t school there was always a focus on principles and ethics and responsibility to others and community. I feel like in my work and career and in general, this has given me an understanding of social responsibility and being a good citizen.鈥

His advice to students interested in a career in architecture is to 鈥渄o as much as you can to understand what’s involved. Try to get some experience or visit some architects to understand the job. A lot of people don’t finish architecture studies and a lot of people don’t continue working as architects after their studies. It’s not an easy course. It’s long!鈥

Andrew is married to Anna and they have a three-year-old daughter, Stacey. While parenting is a major focus nowadays, Andrew and Anna have enjoyed rock climbing together, Andrew has been surfing recently, and they like spending time in the vegetable garden and beekeeping.

Andrew talks of his large extended family 鈥 he is fifth of the eight children. 鈥淭here鈥檚 a bit of a pecking order and you don’t just get everything handed to you on a plate. Personally, I don’t know how my parents did it. I think they’re crazy, but they’re very dedicated and family is their life and their passion. They’re wonderful, caring parents and I think we all turned out pretty normal which is probably quite a credit to them.

For more information about Andrew鈥檚 work, visit