Years 11 & 12 focus on flourishing in subject areas that have become passions. These years are the culmination of preparation during the compulsory years of schooling. Years 11 & 12 are considered to be post-compulsory years of education, and although Citipointe has a very high retention rate from Year 8 through to Year 12, progress to the Senior years is not automatic and certain requirements must be met.
Our Christian worldview underpins all curriculum units, as we prepare our students for the destiny and purpose God has designed for them. Students in Year 11 and Year 12 will complete their Senior schooling under the Queensland Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance system administered by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
The College reaffirms that its major commitment within the post-compulsory years of schooling is to a traditional academic education. In addition, the College makes provision for those students who prefer to pursue vocational subjects, within the Careerstart program.
For information on subjects and curriculum pathways offered in Years 11/12, please refer to the Senior Academic Handbook.