
Why Citipointe?

°®½´Ó×Å® is a leading Christian school of first choice, seeking to provide an exceptional learning environment to prepare students for their future.

A student population of over 1700* students BOOK A TOUR

The College is one of Queensland’s largest independent schools, with a *student population of over 1720 (937 in Primary and 766 in Secondary).

Our Mission

Our mission is

  • To develop the student as a Christian disciple
  • To develop the student for life in its various dimensions, within the framework of a biblical worldview, and by a commitment to service, quality and innovation.

Our Vision

Our vision is for Citipointe to be a truly great Christian school, encouraging its students to achieve their personal best, to contribute to the common good and to human flourishing.

Our Focus

Our focus is to nurture a Christian educational community: people of faith, learning, integrity and influence.

Our Core Values

Uncompromisingly Christian values

We find our essential values in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

Our intent: Citipointe is distinctively and unreservedly a Christian school.

Citipointe is founded on the heritage of millennia of thought on Christian values. It is our highest hope that our students will take into their adult and working lives the kind of values and work attitudes that will allow them to flourish and serve with distinction both Christ and the nations.

High Quality Education

We take every opportunity to do everything very well.

Our intent: Citipointe is a distinctively holistic educational environment with what we believe is an excellent standard of teaching, learning and communication.

Citipointe is committed to high quality learning and inspiring teaching. Students are encouraged to make the most of the opportunities their parents and the College provide for them.

Academic Rigour

We set high goals and work hard to achieve them.

Our intent: Citipointe is committed to seeing our students achieve their personal best in their academic studies.

Citipointe students are encouraged, regardless of ability, to apply themselves academically, in order to develop their talents and realise their academic potential.

College Spirit

We honour Jesus when we embrace the beliefs and values of our College.

Our intent: Citipointe fosters belonging and respect within the Citipointe community.

Citipointe expects students to strive for their personal best in all aspects of College life. Citipointe students identify themselves proudly by their uniform and behaviour.

Caring Environment

We reflect Christ’s love for people and the world.

Our intent: Citipointe provides a caring environment and cultivates an attitude of Christian service within the College community and wider society. 

Citipointe students are expected to outwork Jesus’ teaching to love God and to love others within our diverse community. This is evidenced by their respect for God, themselves, others and their property.


Citipointe is a member of Independent Schools Queensland and Associated Christian Schools.
College Strategic Plan (2019-2025)

Youtour Day 1-6196
Youtour Day 1-6196
Primary Sports Running
Primary Sports Running
Foundation Day Assembly 2016-3766
Foundation Day Assembly 2016-3766
Citipointe Cup-Volleyball-3120
Citipointe Cup-Volleyball-3120
Primary Assembly
Primary Assembly
New Zealand Volleyball-8265
New Zealand Volleyball-8265
Battle of The Bands-5512
Battle of The Bands-5512
IMG_6925 international day
IMG_6925 international day
The four houses
The four houses
Citipointe Formal - Group-3
Citipointe Formal - Group-3
Secondary ANZAC Service-5553
Secondary ANZAC Service-5553
Tolhurst Creative - Day 1&2-7254
Tolhurst Creative - Day 1&2-7254
Youtour Day 1-6135
Youtour Day 1-6135
Tolhurst Creative - Day 1&2-7889
Tolhurst Creative - Day 1&2-7889