
Principal’s Welcome

Mrs Ruth Gravestein

At Citipointe we are called to excellence in education. It is God who calls us to excellence: in the way we live and learn, and in our service to Him and others.

In our quest for excellence, we integrate faith and learning holistically, to empower students with the values and foundations that will allow them to flourish and serve God and the wider community.

True education has a worth far beyond exam results in developing the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social and physical potential of each student. Our students should feel valued and connected as they take opportunities to lead and follow, to ponder and wonder, to succeed and overcome disappointment.

Our students share the lush and leafy Citipointe campus with Citipointe Church, Citipointe Childcare, and Christian Heritage College (higher education): a wonderful space to engage their minds, reflect and play while growing to be confident, caring and connected.

We invite you to visit our College and experience the warmth and vision that is uniquely Citipointe.

Mrs Ruth Gravestein DipTch BEd MEd MACEL
