
Secondary School Preparation Program (SSPP)

Neas Quality Endorsed Centre

2024 – Secondary School Preparation Program Tuition Fees (ver 3.1 2024)

SSPP Handbook & Application (ver 7.1 2024)

°®½´Ó×Å® International is endorsed by NEAS, the highest level of quality assurance in Australia. This means that the International College is routinely examined by Quality Assurance experts who report that the College is running a quality operation in all areas:

  • Teaching, learning and assessment
  • The student experience
  • Resources and facilities
  • Administration, management and staffing
  • Promotion and student recruitment

SSPP focuses on developing students’ English language skills and language learning strategies. It provides a balance of general English and English for specific secondary school subjects. Classes focus on effective communication and involve speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary development.  As the students’ goal is to enter the Secondary school, the course also aims to develop their study skills, research skills and critical thinking skills.

A component of SSPP is the Neuroscience Education Program which examines the power and potential of the brain God has given us to continually grow in capacity and in new healthy directions. This understanding gives students a strong sense of hope, determination and a more positive outlook. It creates a platform for information and discussion about culture shock, negative self-talk, loneliness, anxiety and stress, as well as practical coping strategies. The program creates opportunities to try out various techniques that help develop resilience such as gratitude, prayer, visualisation, positive self-talk and healthy lifestyle choices.

Every day SSPP students have the opportunity to spend morning tea and lunch on the Secondary campus with the Australian students. Also, they attend sport, chapel and weekly assembly with the local students. Every opportunity is provided to encourage friendships with Australian students so that English conversational skills and knowledge of Australian culture develop.

Testing is conducted at regular intervals and student progress in listening, speaking, reading and writing is measured using the Secondary EAL Bandscales. Parents receive a progress report at the end of each term.

The main objective of the course is students’ achievement of an acceptable level of English language proficiency for entry into mainstream courses.  This is:

Years 7 to 9: at least Level 5+ in listening, speaking, reading and writing

Years 10 to 12: at least Level 6 in listening, speaking, reading and writing


By the end of the SSPP course students will have developed the language skills, social skills and study skills to be able to participate fully in the Secondary classes and school life of °®½´Ó×Å®.

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